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    Early Detection Saves Lives: A Comprehensive Guide to Breast Cancer Screenings

    Breast Cancer Screening

    Navigating the healthcare maze can feel overwhelming, but stepping into knowledge changes everything. Informed decisions rewrite your health story.

    Early detection can be life-saving. Mumbai houses numerous medical facilities, but finding the best breast cancer doctor in Mumbai for screening and diagnosis can feel overwhelming.
    NM Medical's Eva is a leading diagnostic centre for women. We boast one of the best labs in Mumbai for breast cancer. Equipped with cutting-edge technology and renowned cancer consultants and experts in MRI breast radiology.

    This comprehensive guide dives deep into breast cancer screening options so you can make informed decisions about your health.

    The Power of Early Cancer Detection:

    At the heart of successful breast cancer treatment lies an early diagnosis. Regular screenings and self-examinations are crucial, as they increase the chances of detecting the disease at its earliest stages, when it's most treatable.

    Navigating Screening:

    • Mammography: is the gold standard for many women. A mammogram or X-ray scan of the breast helps identify abnormalities. We utilise advanced 3D mammography, also known as tomosynthesis, which offers greater clarity and reduces false-positives.
    • Breast MRI: This advanced imaging technique is often used alongside mammograms for women at high risk. Breast MRI provides detailed views of the breast tissue. This aids in the detection of tumours that might be missed by mammograms alone.
    • Breast Self-Examination Regularly checking your breasts for any changes—lumps, dimpling, nipple discharge, or skin alterations—is an essential part of proactive breast health management.

    Next Steps:

    If a screening test raises concerns, a stereotactic breast biopsy might be recommended. Stereotactic breast biopsy is a minimally invasive procedure. It uses precise imaging to extract a small tissue sample for further analysis. At NM Medical's Eva, our experienced team of breast cancer consultants performs a variety of biopsy techniques, ensuring accurate diagnosis and minimal discomfort.

    It is recommended that women between 40 and 44 have the choice to begin annual mammograms. For women aged 45 to 54, yearly mammograms are advised, while those 55 and older can opt for biennial screenings or continue with annual examinations based on their personal health and risk factors.

    Choosing the right breast cancer doctor in Mumbai can make a significant difference in your experience.

    At NM Medical's Eva, you'll find:

    • Renowned Breast Cancer Consultants: Our team comprises highly qualified doctors and experienced consultants who provide comprehensive consultations and personalised treatment plans.
    • State-of-the-Art Equipment:We leverage advanced technology, including the latest 3D mammography and MRI scanners, for accurate diagnoses and precise interventions.

    Taking charge of your breast health starts with knowledge and access to quality healthcare. NM Medical's Eva offers a safe and supportive environment where you can access best-in-class breast cancer screenings and diagnoses in Mumbai.

    Remember, early detection is your strongest weapon against breast cancer. Schedule your screening today and join us in prioritising your well-being.